Glossary of selected terms



Descriptive profiles use ordinal descriptors (high, medium and low) of productivity, i.e. Net Primary Productivity, unless otherwise state. For terrestrial and transitional realms, these descriptors are based on estimates from an ensemble of global vegetation models (Cramer et al. 1999; Kicklighter et al. 1999; Huston & Wolverton 2009). For marine surface systems, they are based on estimates of chlorophyll a concentration for upper (Sarmiento et la. 2004; Huston & Wolverton 2009):

Ordinal descriptor Terrestrial and transitional Marine
High >2000 g dry mass m-2.yr-1 >8 mg.m-3 chlorophyll a concentration
Medium 500 – 2000 g dry mass m-2.yr-1 0.1 – 8 mg.m-3 chlorophyll a concentration
Low <500 g dry mass m-2.yr-1 <0.1 mg.m-3 chlorophyll a concentration

Leaf size

Terms describing leaf size follow Raunkiaer (1934):

Size class Leaf area
Megaphyll > 164,025 mm^2
Macrophyll 18,225-164,025 mm^2
Mesophyll 2,025-18,225 mm^2
Notophyll [2,025–4,500 mm^2]
Microphyll 225-2,025 mm^2
Nanophyll 25–225 mm^2
Leptophyll < 25 mm^2