TF1.6 Boreal, temperate and montane peat bogs

TF1. Palustrine wetlands biome


Profile summary

Full profile at

Brief description

Peat bogs in the boreal-subarctic and temperate areas of the world account for up to 40% of the world’s soil carbon. They are landscape sponges, with highly specialised plant life including shrubs, sedges and mosses equipped to grow in acidic, nutrient-poor, low-oxygen, waterlogged soils. Sphagnum moss and other peat-forming plants are foundational to these ecosystems. Insects are the dominant animal group, along with amphibians, reptiles, rodents and a few visiting birds.

Key features

Permanently ground water-logged (by rainwater-fed ground water,) nutrient poor, acidic sites on organic soils (peat); species poor, but high abundance of mosses, sedges and no to open woody species cover.

Overview of distribution

Boreal and temperate humid zones of the northern hemisphere, limited occurrences in the southern hemisphere (southern South America, southern Australasia).

Map description

Terrestrial ecoregions containing major or minor occurrences of this ecosystem functional group were identified by consulting available ecoregion descriptions (Dinerstein et al. 2017), global and regional reviews, national and regional ecosystem maps, locations of relevant examples, and proofed by expert reviewers. Consequently they are coarse-scale indicative representations of distribution, except where they occupy small ecoregions. Ecoregions were mapped at 30 arc second spatial resolution..

Map code and version: TF1.6.web.orig v1.0. DOI

Version history

Profile versions

  • v2.1 (2022-04-06): DA Keith; RT Kingsford; F Essl; LJ Jackson; M Kelly-Quinn; KR Young; T Tahvanainen.1
  • v2.01 (NA): NA.
  • v2.0 (2020-06-17): DA Keith; RT Kingsford; F Essl; LJ Jackson; M Kelly-Quinn; KR Young; T Tahvanainen.
  • v1.0 (2020-05-31): DA Keith; RT Kingsford; F Essl; LJ Jackson; T Tahvanainen.

Available maps

Read more details about the current map versions here.

  • Web navigation (code: TF1.6.web.orig, version v1.0)
  • Indicative Map (code: TF1.6.IM.orig, version v1.0)

Read more details about older or alternative versions of maps for this functional group.

  • Web navigation: in preparation (code: TF1.6.WM.nwx, version v1.0)


Main references

References used in the different versions of the profiles.

  • Palozzi JE, Lindo Z (2017) Boreal peat properties link to plant functional traits of ecosystem engineers Plant and Soil 418: 277-291
  • Wieder RK, Vitt DH (2006) Boreal peatland ecosystems Ecological studies vol. 188. Springer-Verlag, Berlin

Map references

References used in the different versions of the maps (current and discarded).

  • Dinerstein E, Olson D, Joshi A, Vynne C, Burgess ND, Wikramanayake E, Hahn N, Palminteri S, Hedao P, Noss R, Hansen M, Locke H, Ellis EE, Jones B, Barber CV, Hayes R, Kormos C, Martin V, Crist E, Sechrest W, Price L, Baillie JEM, Weeden D, Suckling K, Davis C, Sizer N, Moore R, Thau D, Birch T, Potapov P, Turubanova S, Tyukavina A, de Souza N, Pintea L, Brito JC, Llewellyn Barnekow Lillesø JP, van Breugel P, Graudal L, Voge M, Al-Shammari KF, Saleem M (2017) An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm, BioScience 67: 534–545. DOI:10.1093/biosci/bix014. Data-set available on-line
  • Thomas Gumbricht Rosa Maria Roman‐Cuesta Louis Verchot Martin Herold Florian Wittmann Ethan Householder Nadine Herold Daniel Murdiyarso (2017) An expert system model for mapping tropical wetlands and peatlands reveals South America as the largest contributor Glob Change Biol. 23: 3581– 3599 DOI:10.1111/gcb.13689


  1. This is the current version available at official site.↩︎