S1.2 Endolithic systems

S1. Subterranean lithic biome


Profile summary

Full profile at https://global-ecosystems.org/explore/groups/S1.2

Brief description

The matrices and fissures of rocks host abundant microscopic life throughout the Earth’s crust, which is still at an early stage of exploration. While some fissures support simple invertebrates, most organisms are unicellular. Blue-green algae may occur in near-surface layers of rock, but most energy comes from chemical synthesis of minerals. Rates of growth and reproduction are slow, and limited by the supply of energy. At depth, microbes tolerate high pressures and temperatures.

Key features

Microbial systems within lithic matrices and interstitial spaces with truncated trophic networks founded on lithautotrophs and lacking photoautotrophs (except near surface) and high-order predators..

Overview of distribution

Throughout the Earth’s crust to depths of 4-7 km.

Version history

Profile versions

  • v2.1 (2022-04-06): DA Keith; TM Iliffe; V Gerovasileiou; B Gonzalez; D Brankovits; A Martínez García.1
  • v2.01 (NA): NA.
  • v2.0 (2020-06-01): DA Keith; TM Iliffe; V Gerovasileiou; B Gonzalez; D Brankovits; A Martínez García.
  • v1.0 (2020-01-20): DA Keith.

Available maps

Read more details about the current map versions here.

  • Indicative Map (code: S1.2.IM.orig, version v1.0)
  • Web navigation (code: S1.2.web.orig, version v1.0)

Read more details about older or alternative versions of maps for this functional group.


Main references

References used in the different versions of the profiles.

  • Edwards KJ, Becker K, Colwell F (2012) The deep, dark energy biosphere: intraterrestrial life on earth Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 40, 551–568 DOI:10.1146/annurev-earth-042711-105500

Map references

References used in the different versions of the maps (current and discarded).


  1. This is the current version available at official site.↩︎