Tropical glacier ecosystem of the Cordillera de Mérida CR

IUCN Red List of Ecosystem assessment


J. R. Ferrer-Paris

Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales

UNSW Data Science Hub, University of New South Wales

IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management

Luis D. Llambí

Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Ecológicas, Universidad de Los Andes

Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecoregión Andina (CONDESAN)

Alejandra Melfo

Centro de Física Fundamental, Universidad de Los Andes

David A. Keith

Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales

IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management


November 3, 2023


This document uses the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems guidelines to diagnose the collapse of the Tropical glacier ecosystems of the Cordillera de Mérida in Venezuela.

Tropical glaciers are rapidly disappearing, particularly in isolated mountain peaks and lower elevations (below 5000m). These glaciers are fundamental substrates for unique cryogenic ecosystems in tropical environments where the ice, melting water and rocky substrate sustain microbiological communities and other meso- and macro-biota.

The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems assessment protocol provides a valuable framework for comparative analysis of threatened ecosystems. We undertook the assessment with existing data derived from field observations and samples, literature review, cartographic reconstruction, remote sensing products and climatic models, and complemented these with additional statistical analysis and modelling to calculate and predict rates of decline and relative severity of degradation.

The evidence suggests an extreme risk of collapse (Critically Endangered, CR) due to prolonged and acute declines in ice extent and changes in climatic conditions that are leading towards a complete loss of ice mass. The biotic compartments of the glacial ecosystem will consequently be lost, with ice loss also initiating a decades-long succession of forefield vegetation. Even the most optimistic climate change projections are unlikely to prevent imminent ecosystem collapse in this region.

This assessment is summarised in a manuscript currently in press (Ferrer-Paris et al., in press).